Wednesday, February 26, 2020

get class Name of a static method

in different occasions especially while using the SysExtension or SysOperation frameworks I found myself writing again the same code and I wanted something more generic the get the current class name. I didn’t find any built in method so I decided to make this simple helper method:

public static ClassName getClassNameFromFuncName(str _funcName)
    ClassName className;
    if (strContains(_funcName, #ObjectMethodSeparator))
        className = any2str(conPeek(str2con(_funcName, #ObjectMethodSeparator), 1));
    if (strContains(_funcName, #StaticMethodSeparator))
        className = any2str(conPeek(str2con(_funcName, #StaticMethodSeparator), 1));
    if (!className2Id(className))
    return className;    

you can try it:

public static void main(Args _args)
    str fullName = funcName();
    str className = MYD_Functions::getClassNameFromFuncName(fullName);


here is how I used it to make a constructor more generic and reusable in other SysExtension instances:

class EF_ExtFrameworkSample3bisFactory extends EF_ExtFrameworkSample3bisBaseClass

public static Object construct(str _className, str _mySetting = '')
    EF_StringAtttibute attr;
    Object baseCl;
    ClassName factoryClassName;
    ClassId factoryClassId;
    ClassName baseClassName;
    ClassId baseClassId;
    factoryClassName = MYD_Functions::getClassNameFromFuncName(funcName());
    factoryClassId = className2Id(factoryClassName);
    baseClassId = SysDictClass::superClass(factoryClassId);
    baseClassName = classId2Name(baseClassId);

    attr = new EF_StringAtttibute(_className);
    baseCl = SysExtensionAppClassFactory::getClassFromSysAttribute(baseClassName, attr);

    if (!baseCl)
    throw error(Error::wrongUseOfFunction(funcName()));


    return baseCl;


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