Monday, February 24, 2020

Checks for duplicate entities that have the same names

there are different forms where we want to perform a check for duplicate entry names.An example is:


which is using this static method:


the problem with this method is that it works only in a form which has as datasource a DirParty entity. In order to be able to use the same code also in other contexts I slightly modified the code like this:

public static boolean checkDirPartyDuplicate(Common _nameRecord, DirPartyType _partyType, str _entityName)
    //Enrico: I adapted the code from \Classes\DirUtility\checkDuplicate to use it also when not in a form
    Common common;
    DictTable partyDicttable;

    FormRun formRun;
    Args    args;
    Object  formObject;
    Common  nameRecord;
    FormDataSource  fds;

    args = new Args(formStr(DirPartyVerification));
    formRun = classfactory.formRunClass(args);

    if (formRun.closedOk() && formHasMethod(formRun, identifierStr(getName)))
        formObject = formRun;
        nameRecord = formObject.getName();

        if (nameRecord.RecId)
            partyDicttable = new SysDictTable(nameRecord.TableId);
                common = partyDicttable.makeRecord();
            //we reselect the party since quick create wich uses this code path requires non pessimistic lock selection
            select common where common.RecId == nameRecord.RecId;
        return false;

    return true;

now can be used like this:

static void MYD_Functions_checkDirPartyDuplicate(Args _args)
    DirPersonName dirPersonName;
    boolean nameChecked = true;
    dirPersonName.FirstName = 'enrico';
    dirPersonName.LastName = 'fuchs';
    if (DirParameters::find().UseDuplicateCheck == NoYes::Yes
            && DirPersonName::nameLikeCount(dirPersonName.FirstName, dirPersonName.MiddleName, dirPersonName.LastName) > 0)
            nameChecked = MYD_Functions::checkDirPartyDuplicate(dirPersonName, DirPartyType::Person, tableStr(DirPerson));
    if (nameChecked)
        info(strFmt('%1', dirPersonName.RecId));

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