in a form to display the date effective filter pane you have to add this snippet in the form init method:
the DateEffectivenessPaneController is responsible of creating all the user interface and the interaction.
if you also have a child form which is also date effective and you want it also to be filtered based on the date effective selection on the parent form you can do this:
public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
SysFormSplitter_X verticalSplitter;
DateEffectivenessPaneController effectivenessPaneController;
public void init()
//Initialize splitter
verticalSplitter = new SysFormSplitter_X(VSplitter, GridContainer, element, 300);
//initialize the DateEffectivenessPaneController
effectivenessPaneController = DateEffectivenessPaneController::constructWithForm(this, MYD_Mentor_ds);
then override the executeQuery method of the subform darasource:
public void executeQuery()
FromDate fromDate = dateNull();
ToDate toDate = dateMax();
TransDate showAsOfDate;
FormCheckBoxControl showAllCheckbox;
boolean showAll;
//get the selection from the parent form date effective toolbar
showAsOfDate = effectivenessPaneController.parmShowAsOfDate();
showAllCheckbox = effectivenessPaneController.parmShowAllCheckbox();
showAll = showAllCheckbox.value();
if (showAll)
this.query().validTimeStateDateRange(fromDate, toDate);
if (showAsOfDate)